Mummy, you didn't see me...

Jun 16, 2022

I know it’s hard sis,

It’s so hard, it’s difficult to even bring yourself to think about it, let alone talk about it.

You see, when other people talk of their mothers in that listful loving way, like they're remembering their best moments ever lived, you don’t feel the same.

You don’t feel that love, you never felt that ‘home’ in mother that people talk about and you don’t really have that listful wishing for childhood to come back that others have.

It was hard, it was awkward, it was difficult to understand, it’s still difficult to understand.

Your heart says one thing and your mind says another.

You feel emotionally distant, you can’t relate to your mother but your mind says ‘no, that’s your mother you can’t feel like that’.

You feel bad talking about it, you feel guilty for even feeling like what your mother gave you was not enough. After all, she carried you for 9 months, she bore the pains of...

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That Elusive Thing Called Happiness And How To Acquire It

Apr 24, 2022


  1. MAINTAIN AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE. Always focus on the positives and be thankful for them. If you're not doing it already, keep a daily gratitude journal.


  1. EXPECT GOOD OF ALLAH. Know that whatever the decree that befalls you, good or bad is in reality ALLAH shaping and moulding you for something better. 


"If you knew how ALLAH handles your affairs for you, your heart would break out of love for him." Imam Shafiee


  1. LET GO OF THE NEED FOR APPROVAL. Only look for ALLAH's appreciation and approval in what you do and don't expect anything from the people because if you know your intention is good, then know that ALLAH is pleased with you and that is enough to be happy.


  1. REMEMBER ALLAH MUCH. Take solace in the fact that when you remember HIM, HE will remember you in a better gathering and you will instantly feel peace at the mention of your name in the heavens and start feeling better.


{Is it not in the remembrance of ALLAH that the...

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Using Loss to Connect With Your Rabb

Apr 17, 2022

Today I want to talk about losing a person, a relationship or something we love, whether it's via death or estrangement or any other situation. It is a reminder for myself and anyone else who has experienced loss on how to use the painful situation to improve ourselves and form a stronger connection with ALLAH (swt).


I see loss as a death in itself. It may or may not be the death of the actual person or thing but it is a death of a part of your heart that was attached to that person or that thing. It creates an empty space in your heart and at the initial blow, one can feel empty and torn.


The devil may tempt us to react with anger at the decree of ALLAH, anger towards others or anger at ourselves. He may tempt us to react with hate, apathy and self-hatred. This is when we may hear a devilish voice inside telling us that 'this is what we deserve' or that 'bad things always happen to me' or that ‘I should have done this or that’ but at this point we can...

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7 Ways to Increase Self-Love

Apr 11, 2022



You need to develop your self-love and self-worth and here's 7 ways to do it:


REMEMBER THAT ALLAH AND HIS PROPHET (salla ALLAHu alaihi wa sallam) love you even more than you love yourself, so allow yourself to absorb that love and bathe in it. Don't be the one who hates you when ALLAH loves you and his Prophet (salla ALLAHu alaihi wa sallam) loves you too.


CONNECT WITH YOUR SOUL. Remember you are more than your titles, roles, bank-balance, achievements, successes or failures. You are a beautiful, eternal soul, much deeper than all of that - connect with that part of you that 'just is'; that part of you that came into existence when ALLAH said 'Be' in a time before you were even born.


BE KIND AND GENTLE WITH YOURSELF when you go wrong, make a mistake or just feel tired and lack the motivation. Treat yourself just as you would a close friend or...

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5 Steps to Conquer Overwhelm

Apr 02, 2022

Are you feeling overwhelmed by everything you've got to do? Are you becoming anxious and stressed? Is all that stress causing you to be less productive which in turn is making you feel even more useless?


One thing that tends to happen to people who have big goals and want to achieve many things in life as well as keep everyone happy (which is impossible by the way - we can only focus on pleasing ALLAH) is that they become overwhelmed by it all and I've been there myself so many times. So I'm going to share with you some steps to get yourself out of the situation.




I always ask myself, if I died in one hour would I be stressed about this situation or these tasks and more often then not, the answer is 'No' of course, unless it's my salah.


Once you've asked this question and acknowledged to yourself that what you were stressing about really isn't that...

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When I Am Silent...

Mar 13, 2022
An old piece. It still holds true today and I hope it inspires you to grow in this blessed month of Shaban ❤️❤️❤️
Why do I love this quote? Why does it speak to my heart?
Each one of us plods along this journey called life and we block big parts of ourselves deep inside that we don't want to share with anyone. It's the THUNDER we're too scared to share. In case we're hated, in case no one understands, in case no one approves or in case we shine 'too much' if there ever was such a thing as shining too much.
In fact, we don't even realise we are on a journey. We just mindlessly move whichever way the wind takes us and then...
One day, something drastic happens and we get a big wake up call and suddenly what we've been hiding starts fighting to come out and breathe. All those parts of ourselves that have been rumbling inside show their face. You suddenly see a true reflection in the mirror and you think...
'Damn! Was I covering all that...
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10 Steps To Creating The Flow Of Clients You Want

Feb 13, 2022


You don’t have to feel trapped.

You don’t have to choose to burnout.

You don’t have to stay stuck.

You can choose,

Choose to be powerful now,

And choose to create the change you want to create.

You’ve taken all the steps,

To feel confident as a coach,

You’ve even got the certification,

You’ve even coached some clients and got amazing results,

Now, all you need is the client flow,

In order to get that income in,

That will help you make THE GREAT ESCAPE from the job OR the self created business burn out you’re in.

By following this exact strategy, you can do exactly that:

1- Set your intentions, decide what you want and WHY you want it.

2- Set up the right environment and foundation required for you & your business to thrive.

3- Manage your energy so you show up as the true leader that you are whose business nourishes her instead of depletes her and burns her out.

4- Create a winning mindset so you don’t wake up feeling...

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How 10 minutes a day changed 80% of my life within a year!

Feb 13, 2022



Have you ever had someone tell you that your dreams are too big and that that's not real life?

Have you got a dream of travelling to exotic places or maybe going but never actually got there?

Or maybe you've been telling yourself year after year that you're going to start a business or write a book but never actually made it happen?

Or maybe you keep deciding that from this day on you will exercise daily and eat healthy but then found yourself flopping so fast?


I did the same thing over and over, set the same goals over and over and never achieved them over and over, feeling like a failure each time.

I told myself I want to write books and poems but never wrote.

I told myself I was going to travel and see different places but never did.

I told myself I was going to start a business but kept flopping despite my efforts.

The vicious cycle of setting goals, flopping, feeling like a failure and then starting again kept...

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What Is Your Burning Why?

Feb 13, 2022

I still remember back when I was working,

Trying to create a new reality for myself,

Trying to create a new life.

I still remember what made me commit,

Committed to doing the work it took,

Committed to making my dreams happen,

Committed to making my business work,

Committed on those hard days,

When things didn’t work,

When the money didn’t come,

When the clients didn’t come,

Where I felt like I ‘had to’ go back & work,

Just to make ends meet.

I still remember what kept me committed,

Through it all,



That said;

I didn’t want to miss out on precious moments,

I didn’t want to come to my family & my children,

Depleted and burnt out,

After a day of chasing my tail,

And getting through endless bureaucracy,

Only to feel like the sacrifice of missing out on those moments wasn’t even worth it,

Because I didn’t even feel like I made a real difference.


I wanted...

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Connecting To The Divine: ALLAH called me again! A journey with AL-QABID and AL-BASIT

Dec 04, 2021

Whether Muslim, non-Muslim or newly Muslim we have all seen the ebb and flow of abundance in our lives, and though we may not have connected this to ALLAH’S names because we may have felt that ALLAH’S names are a rather overwhelming abstract list of 99 attributes that we must study in a class on belief, I hope that in this modest piece I can share a journey with you and show you how Allah, Al-Qaabid and Al-Baasit manifested Himself in my life. I hope it enables you deeply connect to these two attributes of ALLAH, to feel their presence, submit to them and rely on them to create positive change for yourself.

In basic translation, Al-Baasit means: The expander, the releaser, the one who stretches out; and Al-Qaabid means The constrictor, the withholder, the restrainer.

The journey:

It’s only been one year but what a journey you’ve had, and what a path you’ve travelled!  Your chest feels tight and your heart feels sad, and yet within...

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