7 Ways to Increase Self-Love

self-love steps Apr 11, 2022



You need to develop your self-love and self-worth and here's 7 ways to do it:


❤️ REMEMBER THAT ALLAH AND HIS PROPHET (salla ALLAHu alaihi wa sallam) love you even more than you love yourself, so allow yourself to absorb that love and bathe in it. Don't be the one who hates you when ALLAH loves you and his Prophet (salla ALLAHu alaihi wa sallam) loves you too.


❤️ CONNECT WITH YOUR SOUL. Remember you are more than your titles, roles, bank-balance, achievements, successes or failures. You are a beautiful, eternal soul, much deeper than all of that - connect with that part of you that 'just is'; that part of you that came into existence when ALLAH said 'Be' in a time before you were even born.


❤️ BE KIND AND GENTLE WITH YOURSELF when you go wrong, make a mistake or just feel tired and lack the motivation. Treat yourself just as you would a close friend or a child who is going through a difficult time. Be nice. If ALLAH (swt) can forgive you, you can forgive yourself too. Repent, correct course and move on.


❤️ ALLOW YOUR EMOTIONS. This is just super super important. Just allow them, don't censor, don't criticise, don't judge and don't blame yourself for them. Just let them be, let them come up and label them and name them. Who are they? What are they? Release them so that they can exist outside of yourself, whether by art, journaling or talking. (This does not mean you have to act on them. It just means letting them exist).


❤️ ALLOW YOUR AUTHENTICITY and appreciate your soul's uniqueness. Appreciate what makes you different and don't try to morph into everyone's expectations of you or the version of you that you think you should be because of societal or cultural reasons.


❤️ PRACTICE REGULAR SELF CARE FOR YOUR BODY. Listen to your body and give it what it needs. Nourish it by eating good food, resting, sleeping and drinking well. Don't treat your body like a machine that needs to be driven until it breaks. It's the only body you have till the day you die and as the Prophet (salla ALLAHu alaihi wa sallam) said: "Your body has a right over you."


❤️ EVERY DAY, TAKE A MOMENT TO THANK ALLAH for who you are and all your good qualities, your body and your soul. Don't be the ungrateful person who criticises and hates a creation that ALLAH has created which is 'you'. Appreciate 'you' and be thankful for 'you' so that ALLAH can increase you in the good that you have.


Which of these do you already practice and which of these do you think you could do better at? How could you change it?

Could you do better with being kind and gentle with yourself?

Can you thank ALLAH for your good qualities?

Can you release the harsh self-judgement around your mistakes?


Come and work with me and let's help you find your confidence and self esteem again so you can thrive in life.
