Mummy, you didn't see me...

Jun 16, 2022

I know it’s hard sis,

It’s so hard, it’s difficult to even bring yourself to think about it, let alone talk about it.

You see, when other people talk of their mothers in that listful loving way, like they're remembering their best moments ever lived, you don’t feel the same.

You don’t feel that love, you never felt that ‘home’ in mother that people talk about and you don’t really have that listful wishing for childhood to come back that others have.

It was hard, it was awkward, it was difficult to understand, it’s still difficult to understand.

Your heart says one thing and your mind says another.

You feel emotionally distant, you can’t relate to your mother but your mind says ‘no, that’s your mother you can’t feel like that’.

You feel bad talking about it, you feel guilty for even feeling like what your mother gave you was not enough. After all, she carried you for 9 months, she bore the pains of...

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