That Elusive Thing Called Happiness And How To Acquire It

Apr 24, 2022


  1. MAINTAIN AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE. Always focus on the positives and be thankful for them. If you're not doing it already, keep a daily gratitude journal.


  1. EXPECT GOOD OF ALLAH. Know that whatever the decree that befalls you, good or bad is in reality ALLAH shaping and moulding you for something better. 


"If you knew how ALLAH handles your affairs for you, your heart would break out of love for him." Imam Shafiee


  1. LET GO OF THE NEED FOR APPROVAL. Only look for ALLAH's appreciation and approval in what you do and don't expect anything from the people because if you know your intention is good, then know that ALLAH is pleased with you and that is enough to be happy.


  1. REMEMBER ALLAH MUCH. Take solace in the fact that when you remember HIM, HE will remember you in a better gathering and you will instantly feel peace at the mention of your name in the heavens and start feeling better.


{Is it not in the remembrance of ALLAH that the...

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