9 Proven Steps To Take Action And Reduce Overwhelm

Uncategorized Aug 11, 2022

Someone from our tribe asked:
You end up doing nothing when you have so much that you want to do. My mind always feels messy, and I have an obsession with writing lists after lists to organize my thoughts, goals, the things I want to do, etc., but in the end, action is always lacking.

How do you take your first step, and how do you know which direction to move in? Any advice would be fantastic.


This sounds like overwhelm and lack of focus, so a few tips that may help:

1) Divide your list according to what you are working on now and what you are working on later, maybe even schedule it over days, months and years and then allow yourself to be flexible with that.

2) I choose at least top THREE things to focus on right now, and I recommend choosing ONE. Using this method with clients and myself, I have found that when you focus on less, you get more done and may get other tasks done anyway (but that’s a bonus and not a necessity).

The Prophet (Salla Allahu alaihi wa Sallam) said: “The best of actions are the smallest and most consistent.”

A book I like  to suggest: The Power of Less.

3) If you chose ONE focus but find yourself distracting yourself with making lists or anything else, then go back and review your intentions and ask why you are doing what you are doing.

Sometimes we can pick stuff to do ‘just because it’s done, but it’s not truly aligned with who we are, heart and soul, and other times, we need a reminder when it’s a long-term goal.

4) Practice daily visualization/affirmations/duas to keep your WHY at the forefront of your mind and keep your goal alive.

5) Surround yourself with people who have the same goal as you; even better than that, find a buddy or buddies to keep you accountable. Accountability groups work wonders.

6) Keep death at the forefront of your mind and know that each moment procrastinated or wasted is a moment that will not benefit you after death.

7) Explore what benefit you get from distracting yourself instead of taking action. There is some benefit you will be getting emotionally or mentally that keeps you returning to where you don’t want to be.

8) Talk to someone who is productive and has achieved goals or a coach to help you unblock yourself because sometimes it just takes someone outside the box to see where you are getting stuck.

9) Journal about why you don’t want to take action. Are you scared of the outcome? Are you seeking perfection? Are you worried about failing? Or are you even afraid of success and what that means? Do you feel you’re not good enough/deserving enough?
