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Transformational Divine Self Care Program

Connect with your LORD. Elevate Your Soul. Take Care of YOU.

What you'll get:

  • 30 deeply transformational modules on various spiritually inspired self care topics related to the mind, heart, body and soul
  • Journaling and spiritual reflection prompts to help you dig deep and reframe those unhealthy patterns of thinking and feeling that put you last
  • High level coaching and feedback within a facebook group
  • A deeply nurturing sisterhood where you will be sharing your journey with other sisters on the same path. 

[ This is only for determined sisters who are go getters and want to take responsibility for changing their life.]

What People Are Saying:

"What drew me to Maryam in comparison to other coaching programs was that she didn’t shy away from addressing very touching and deep topics that may seem taboo to speak about in our communities and she was very approachable. Her deep spirituality which she projects from her brand and throughout her coaching is the thing I love the most. I feel more emotionally stable, calm and in tune with myself than I was alhamdulillah. I was having ‘meltdowns’ before starting coaching and I saw an improvement within the first month, and then even better after that. I respect myself and my time more and I expect the same from others too - so I am better at communicating my boundaries, alhamdulillah and I know I don’t need to feel guilty about that when I have considered what is pleasing to Allah. I also suffered from anxiety which has improved so much due to reflection, a little journaling, better habits etc. I treat myself alot better- internally, I am more compassionate with myself, just as I am with others, alhamdulillah and I think more positively, I feel more open to goodness and positivity. Physically, I also take better care of myself than I used to and have built better habits for myself. I had realised, due to recent past experiences, that my self-confidence had taken a hit, and I feel much better about myself and some of my qualities, skills and abilities. With all the changes in myself, my relationships with family have improved - I don’t worry or assume or become as anxious as I used to, I set the expectation - of how I want to be treated and don’t want to be treated- better than I did before and I hope to continue improving inshaAllah. I’ve managed to add things back into my spiritual routine which I had done at one of my most spiritual times in life, and I feel this is helping me with barakah and internal strength when facing some really challenging events - I am like a completely different person, alhamdulillah. Sis Maryam has honestly been the answer to my duaas - both spoken and unspoken, alhamdulillah, I shall forever be grateful and I look forward to learning and healing so much more. I would wish this for every sister - you are worth it, and your Lord is waiting for you to take that step on your healing journey to be your best self."

Client FS

“When I first started working with Maryam I was suffering with low self-esteem, self-doubt, low confidence, anger issues and a lot of negative gisedcf beliefs. I chose tomwork with Maryam because I liked that Maryam connected everything to ALLAH (swt) which is something I hadn’t seen any other coach do before. The depth that Maryam went into in the coaching was amazing and I loved that she justified and connected everything back to the Quran and Sunnah. With regards to my relationship with ALLAH I was looking to have a perfect relationship but I wasn’t thinking much about his Rahma and only became more aware of it after my coaching sessions with Maryam. I am now slowly putting more reliance on ALLAH for everything. Emotionally I was a total mess and even though there is much to work on at least now I am able to recognise my emotions and acknowledge them to myself. For a long time, I was neglecting myself and working on my self felt like a total burden. I still go on and off the wagon, but I don’t allow myself to get burnt out and overwhelmed anymore. My self care has improved and I have now started exercising more and getting into my skin care regimes too which I never did before. I’ve learnt a little about time management and productivity and have managed to get into a mindset where I get into a bout of productivity which has greatly helped. Although there is still much for me to improve. Since working on my self-care my relationship with my spouse has transformed AlhamduLILLAH. I have created boundaries around people who are not serving me and have prioritised my family first. I feel like my self-confidence, self esteem and self-care has skyrocketed AlhamduLILLAH. I now believe in myself and my abilities. I am no longer looking for perfection but rather a way to move ahead in life. And believe that with ALLAH’s permission many things are possible. Since working with Maryam I have managed to achieve a great deal of things. Before the self care course I was unemployed but now alongside being a mother, I am something else too and my relationships no longer define me. I am now employed and have also become a freelance writer, a budding author and a blogger. The depth Maryam goes into in these courses is mind blowing and at times I felt like I needed to slow down and maybe just do one module a week! The investment compared to the transformation was more than worth it. It has been life changing, and I recommend Maryam to others especially those who want to get back that connection with their Rabb and the true essence of life. This course made all the difference to me, now I can talk about a ‘me’ before, and the ‘ME’ after the course, it has made such a big impact on my life."

Syeda Atika Yahya