Have you ever had someone tell you that your dreams are too big and that that's not real life?
Have you got a dream of travelling to exotic places or maybe going but never actually got there?
Or maybe you've been telling yourself year after year that you're going to start a business or write a book but never actually made it happen?
Or maybe you keep deciding that from this day on you will exercise daily and eat healthy but then found yourself flopping so fast?
I did the same thing over and over, set the same goals over and over and never achieved them over and over, feeling like a failure each time.
I told myself I want to write books and poems but never wrote.
I told myself I was going to travel and see different places but never did.
I told myself I was going to start a business but kept flopping despite my efforts.
The vicious cycle of setting goals, flopping, feeling like a failure and then starting again kept...